Two Kingdom View (4)

If past history is any indication, a Two Kingdoms or non-political approach to gospel engagement will fail in future days of tribulation. And not only will it fail in extending Christ's kingdom, i twill also fail to keep the church faithful to GodDeep Discipleship, 183

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Although most Neo-Calvinists uphold the idea of natural law, they view it as an insufficient means of properly ordering the world because of the darkening of man's heart and mind. And so we need God's word in every sphere, not only in the church.Deep Discipleship, 181

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The Two Kingdoms view, currently espoused and championed by David VanDrunen and Michael Horton, more greatly emphasizes the distinction between the sacred and the secular; Christ rules the redeemed church through Scripture, whereas God rules the created world through natural law, to which all people have access. In this view, each believer belongs to two kingdoms - the (common) kingdom of the world and the (spiritual) kingdom of Christ.

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